Zitat: " Influenced early on by William S. Burroughs' "cut up" experiments, limited by an arbitrary budget of three pence, guided by propitious chance to Mallock's volume (which, by the happiest of coincidental ironies, is a novel pretending to be a discovered journal), and finally favored by the fact that A Human Document was found in a popular reprint version that might furnish additional copies, Tom Phillips' A Humument comes rationally, arbitrarily, fortuitously, gradually into existence just about the way everything in life does. It begins the way an epic ought: "The following sing I a book, a book of art of mind art and that which he hid reveal I." A Humument purports to be The Progress of Love of its principal character, Bill Toge, the surname from letters found in the words "altogether" and "together," which alone contain it and sustain him."
Ich habe jetzt leider keine Zeit mehr das genauer zu erklären, aber ein Besuch lohnt sich, auch wenn die Seitenführung etwas grottig ist.
Jetzt habe ich in der Hektik doch glatt die Links vergessen. Peinlich.
A History of the London Tube Maps ist toll. Alte Pläne der Londoner Tube. Als ich einmal in London war bin ich sehr gern mit diesem Ding gefahren.
Link via Cartography
Angeblich haben einige Musikliebhaber in den ehemaligen Ostblockländer Musik auf gebrauchte x-rayfolien gepresst.
Zitat: "I do not know the name of the inventor who first utilized discarded medical X-ray film as the base material for new record discs; however, the method became so widespread in Hungary that not only amateurs, but the Hungarian Radio made sound recordings on such recycled X-ray films."
Möglich wäre es, aber es klingt doch arg kurios. Dafür spricht natürlich, dass man auf diese Art bequem die staatliche Zensur umgehen kann und der Zugang zu den entprechenden Archiven in denen diese Folien, wenn überhaupt, gelagert werde, dürfte für halbwegs aufgeweckte Studenten ein leichtes sein.
Vielleicht dachte Frank Zappa daran als er sagte: Der Jazz ist nicht Tod, er richt nur ein wenig seltsam."
Link via Street Use
So. Das Wochenende ist gesichert. Die Atomic Rocket site liefert die Grundlagen zum Bau einer eigenen Rakete. Hoffentlich regnet es nicht, sonst fällt der Start ins Wasser.
Wer weiß, vielleicht lernt man ja neue Freunde kennen.
link via Exclamation Mark´s for sore eyes
Exclamation Mark geht zu Blogger. . Diese Meldung ist eigentlich nur so eine Art Lesezeichen für mich. Ihr könnt ruhig weiter surfen, es sei denn ihr seit an guten Links interessiert.
Eine Ausgabe des Life Magazine von 1966 beschäftigt sich mit LSD.
Zitat: "The Exploding Threat of the Mind Drug that Got Out of Control Turmoil in a Capsule One dose of LSD is enough to set off a mental riot of vivid colors and insights — or of terror and convulsions"
Als Zeitdokument ist der Artikel ganz interessant.
Charmant fand ich die Aussage von Dr. Sidney Cohen: "Many people are doing to themselves what we would never consider doing experimentally. Some day their brains may wind up in the laboratory and give us the answers."
Dr. Cohen erinnert mich ein wenig an einen Arzt aus einer Kurzerzählung von Thomas Pynchon mit dem Titel "the crying of lot 49".
Dort heißt es: "We still need a hundred-and-fourth for the bridge." Chuckled aridly. The bridge, die Brucke, being his pet name for the experiment he was helping the community hospital run on effects of LSD-25, mesca-line, psilocybin, and related drugs on a large sample of surburban housewives. The bridge inward. "When can you let us fit you into our schedule."
"No," she said, "you have half a million others to choose from. It's three in the morning."
"We want you." Hanging in the air over her bed she now beheld the well-known portrait of Uncle that appears in front of all our post offices, his eyes gleaming unhealthily, his sunken yellow cheeks most violently rouged, his finger pointing between her eyes. I want you. She had never asked Dr Hilarius why, being afraid of all he might answer.
Zu LSD lies auch den Artikel von Thomas Pynchon " A journey into the mind of Watts"
"At the Deadwyler inquest, much was made of the dead man's high blood alcohol content, as if his being drunk made it somehow all right for the police to shoot him. But alcohol is a natural part of the Watts style; as natural as LSD is around Hollywood. The white kid digs hallucination simply because he is conditioned to believe so much in escape, escape as an integral part of life, because the white L.A. Scene makes accessible to him so many different forms of it. But a Watts kid, brought up in a pocket of reality, looks perhaps not so much for escape as just for some Calm, some relaxation. And beer or wine is good enough for that. Especially good at the end of a bad day."
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