Topic: Mediavistik
Preface by Andrea Alciato on his book of emblems, to Konrad Peutinger of Augsburg
While boys are entertained by nuts and youths by dice, so playing-cards fill up the time of lazy men. In the festive season we hammer out these emblems, made by the distinguished hand of craftsmen. Just as one affixes trimmings to clothes and badges to hats, so it behooves every one of us to write in silent marks. Though the supreme emperor may give to you, for you to own, precious coins and finest objects of the ancients, I myself shall give, one poet to another, paper gifts: take these, Konrad, the token of my love.
Link via Earmarks in Early Modern Culture. (schaut auch einmal unter der Rubrik Early modern swimming nach.)
zettel | 27. Dezember 05