
„Right and left, the streets take you waterward. Its extreme down-town is the battery, where that noble mole is washed by waves, and cooled by breezes, which a few hours previous were out of sight of land. Look at the crowds of water-gazers there. Circumambulate the city of a dreamy Sabbath afternoon. Go from Corlears Hook to Coenties Slip, and from thence, by Whitehall northward. What do you see? - Posted like silent sentinels all around the town, stand thousands upon thousands of mortal men fixed in ocean reveries. Some leaning against the spiles; some seated upon the pier-heads; some looking over the bulwarks glasses!“

Text aus Moby-Dick, or The Whale

Im Museum of the City of New York kann man sich sehr schön die Zeit vertreiben. Es gibt dort Bilddatenbanken in denen man auch online stöbern kann.


Ein sehr lustige Datenbank ist z.B. „Bicycle[s]“.

Hier ist noch der passende Text zum Thema „Bicycle“ von „The Elegant Variation A Literary Weblog.“


To those who have written asking us what we think, we think Alexandre Vinokourov is an arrogant, selfish piece of shit, and he - and any rider who dopes during the Tour de France - should be banned from the sport for life.“

coenties slip

P.s. Wer mehr wissen möchte über das New York Herman Melvilles der kann ja mal auf der Seite „Alleys of Lower Manhatten“ nachsehen.