
Die Webseite Memories of Hiroshima sammelt Aussagen von Augenzeugen und Opfern der Bombenabwürfe.

  • 'Chokubaku' means that the person was exposed to the A-bomb directly in Hiroshima or Nagasaki when the bomb was dropped.

  • 'Nyushi hibaku' means that the person was exposed to radiation because he/she entered within 2 kilometers of the hypocenter for rescue activities, relative search, etc. within 2 weeks.

  • 'Kyugo hibaku' means that the person might have been exposed to radiation while he/she was undertaking relief activities or processing victims.

  • 'Tainai hibaku' means that the person was exposed to radiation in his/her mother's uterus before birth.

  • 'Kenshin' means that the person can undergo medical checkup without an A-bomb Survivor Health Book because he/she was in a designated area such as where black rain fell.