Topic: Internet
"Seine Concubine war die letzte, welche läugnete und darauf beharrte, ihn nicht zu kennen."
Aktenmäßige Geschichte der Räuberbanden an den beiden Ufer des Mains, im Spessart und im Odenwalde.
- Grab the nearest book.
- Open the book to page 23.
- Find the fifth sentence.
- Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
There is a light in the forest There is a face in the tree I´ll pull you out of the chorus And the first one´s always free
- Grab the nearest CD.
- Put it in your CD-Player (or start your mp3-player, I-tunes, etc.).
- Skip to Song 3 (or load the 3rd song in your 3rd playlist)
- Post the first verse in your journal along with these instructions. Don’t name the band, nor the album-title.
aus dem Bookmarkfolder Germanistik
- Grab the nearest Computer.
- Start the Broswer.
- Open the bookmarkfolder 23.
- Find the fifth bookmark.
- Post the link in your journal along with these instructions.
via Ronsens und weiß der Geier wem.
zettel | 20. April 04