„in addition to issuing Hardin a fine for $250 and suspending her license for 30 days, a judge has ordered that Hardin wear a sign that says “Only an idiot would drive on the sidewalk to avoid the school bus.” Hardin must wear the sign “near the location of the crime for an hour per day, next Tuesday and Wednesday morning,”
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„Der achte Verfassungszusatz verbietet einige Bestrafungen vollständig und verbietet Bestrafungen, wenn sie im Vergleich zum begangenen Verbrechen übermäßig sind.
Im Fall Furman v. Georgia (1972) schrieb Richter Brennan: „Es gibt also vier Prinzipien nach denen festzustellen ist, ob eine bestimmte Bestrafung 'grausam und ungewöhnlich' ist“ ("There are, then, four principles by which we may determine whether a particular punishment is 'cruel and unusual'.")
„Die wichtigste Eigenschaft ist, dass eine Bestrafung nicht durch ihre Schwere allein die menschliche Würde beeinträchtigt, was insbesondere auf Folter zutrifft“. („The essential predicate is that a punishment must not by its severity be degrading to human dignity", especially torture.“)
„Eine schwere Bestrafung, die offensichtlich in einem Akt der Willkür zugefügt wird.“ („A severe punishment that is obviously inflicted in wholly arbitrary fashion“.)
„Eine schwere Bestrafung, die offensichtlich und vollständig von der gesamten Gesellschaft abgelehnt wird.“ („A severe punishment that is clearly and totally rejected throughout society“.)
„Eine schwere Bestrafung, die offenkundig unnötig ist.“ („A severe punishment that is patently unnecessary“.)“

Faszinierende Bilder aus dem Amerika der 70er Jahre findet man bei the atlantic.
Tipp mal wieder via coudal

„The blanket must give way. It is only tolerable in the rudest savage life. It is unfitted to be the garment of civilization and labor; and as the Indian is gradually brought to give up his nomadic life for one of labor and industry, the question of clothing becomes one of practical interest as bearing upon his advancement and civilization. The custom hitherto pursued has been to furnish blankets, and clothing made of cotton-warp fabrics, known in the market as "satinets" and "meltons." Clothing made of these materials is not serviceable, as the garments become threadbare with the least wear; and will rend with slight strain. In an economic point of view nothing is more useless, and, indeed, extravagant, than clothing made of these materials. We should have a uniform material, made entirely of wool – like army-cloth – for Indian clothing; and the garments should consist of a coat and pantaloons, the coat to be in shape like the old fringed rifle-coat or blouse, with a belt at the waist. The object should be to secure the comfort of the wearer and uniformity in style of clothing, so that competitors for clothing-contracts might know in advance precisely what kind of garments would be wanted for the Indian service. In this connection I would say that one Indian agent proposes to erect a woolen-mill at his agency; to enable the Indians to make their own cloth from wool of their own raising. This would be advisable if the necessary machinery to do the work were simple and inexpensive.“
Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior for the Year 1873
Text via Native American Documents Project
Image via A Gathering of Nations. Man darf sich von diesem romantischen Bild nicht täuschen lassen. Der Auftraggeber dieser Bilder Thomas Loraine McKenney war lange Zeit selbst Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Aus heutiger Sicht ist er also eher einer der Bösen.
Die Kanadier bewerben schon die Wähler die bei einem Sieg der Rebuplikaner mit dem Gedanken an Auswandeung spielen.

The Civil War in America from The Illustrated London News
Zitat: „We began work on this project in 1988. Following a lead from a publishing colleague, I contacted an antiquarian book dealer, who was able to acquire the ten bound volumes of the Illustrated London News that encompassed the Civil War years. Each volume covers six months: January - June and July - December. The newspaper was published every Saturday and, of course, contained a great deal more than the news from America. Our plan was to go through the volumes line by line and select all the material that pertained to the Civil War, American social history, and political history.“

Ich leite hier einfach mal ein eMail weiter. Vielleicht hat einer von euch ja Zeit und Lust sich an dieser Abstimmung zu beteiligen.
„Please take about three seconds on this link to weigh in at this well-known PBS site of NOW, with David Brancaccio:
Is Palin Qualified to Lead. Please vote. ... You don't have to give your name or email address to vote. It's very simple.
Here's the link: NOW. Poll“

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