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"Alaa and the rest of the group that was kidnapped yesterday, will be detained for 15 days. They didnt go directly to the prison as we thought, but spent the night at the Khalifa's police station and are supposed to be transferred to the prisons now. The 3 women will go to El Qanater prison, as Tora prison where the rest of the 40 detainees are held has no section for women, and the men are supposed to join the rest and go to Tora prison, but some think that they will also taken to El Qanater prison (which has sections for both men and women).

They renewed 15 more days to the detainees of 24th of April, today. They are not releasing them anytime soon."

Text via Manal and Alaa´s bit bucket

Der Hinweis kam vom Schockwellenreiter