There is a constant murmur, hollow and deep: the traffic. And another sound, intermittent: the wind. It comes in gusts, and in the pauses I can hear it sighing, far away, against other skyscrapers. Here, on the thirty-fourth floor, I can feel the vibration of every gust. It gives me a strange feeling as if, for a few moments, my brain freezes. A faint, short-lived siren comes and goes. The noise of two car-horns. A rumble that approaches but is impatiently eclipsed by a sudden buffet of the wind. A tram car. (…)

Antonioni hat in den siebzigern eine Art Lautptotokoll angelegt.

Textauszug aus „New York from the 34th floor overlooking Central Park

The soundtrack for a film set in New York – circa 1970 by Michelangelo Antonioni

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