
Es gibt ein interessantes Buch von Kevin Kelly online mit dem Titel „Out of Control“. Es fällt mir schwer es einer der üblichen Schubladen zuzuordnen.

Es beginnt wie ein Siencefiction:

„(…) I am in a test module for living in space. My atmosphere is fully recycled by the plants and the soil they are rooted in, and by the labyrinth of noisy ductwork and pipes strung through the foliage. Neither the green plants alone nor the heavy machines alone are sufficient to keep me alive. Rather it is the union of sun-fed life and oil-fed machinery that keeps me going. Within this shed the living and the manufactured have been unified into one robust system, whose purpose is to nurture further complexities -- at the moment, me.“

Es gibt auch einen kleinen Diskurs über Hyperlinks und die Tücken des digitalen Zeitalters:

„(…) For one thing, it was easy to get lost. Without the centering hold of a narrative, everything in a hypertext network seems to have equal weight and appears to be the same wherever you go, as if the space were a suburban sprawl. The problem of locating items in a network is substantial. It harks back to the days of early writing when texts in a 14th-century scriptorium were difficult to locate since they lacked cataloguing, indexes, or tables of contents.“

Ich habe bisher nur einige Artikel angelesen. Es ist aber wirklich gut geschrieben un interessant.